Terms and conditions

Welcome to RedRamp

Our website address is: https://redrampksa.com.

Terms and conditions

These terms and conditions constitute a legal agreement between you and Red Ramp Company, a limited liability company, based in Riyadh. In order to use the service (specified below) and the associated application (defined below), you must agree to the terms and conditions described below. By using or receiving any services provided to you by the company, or downloading, installing or using any related application provided by the company (collectively referred to as “the application”), you expressly acknowledge and agree to be bound by the agreement, as well as any future amendments and additions to the agreement as they are published. From time to time on our website or through our application.

– The company reserves the right to amend the agreement or its policies related to the service or application at any time, starting from the time of publishing an updated version of this agreement on our website or through the platforms and application. Or if you book an appointment through the app, WhatsApp, or the online store, you are responsible for regularly reviewing this agreement. Continued use of the service or application after any such changes will constitute your acceptance of these changes.

Red Ramp – is a car wash service that allows users to order a car care service via a mobile app.

Basic terms related to the content:

– “Content” means text, graphics, images, music, software (excluding application), audio, video, information or other materials.

– “Company content” means the content provided by the company through the service or application, including any content licensed from a third party, excluding user content.

– “User” means the person who accesses or uses the service or application.

– “User content” means the content that the user publishes, uploads, sends or transfers to be made available through the service or application.

– “Collective content” collectively means, both company and user content.

Assurances and guarantees:

By using the application or service, you expressly acknowledge and undertake that you are legally entitled to enter into this agreement. If you are a resident of a jurisdiction that restricts use of the service because of age, or limits the ability to enter into agreements such as this agreement due to age, you must adhere to these age limits and you must not use the application or service. By using the application or service, you acknowledge and undertake that you have the right, authority and ability to enter into this agreement and be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement. Your participation in the use of the service and / or the application is for your personal use and the use of others who have expressly authorized you. You may not authorize others to use your user status, nor may you assign or transfer your user account to any other person or entity. When using the application or service, you agree to comply with all applicable laws of your country, country, state or emirate and the city in which you are located while using the application or service.

-You may only access the service by using approved means. The company reserves the right to terminate this agreement if you use the service or application with an incompatible or unauthorized device.

By using the app or service, you:

You will only use the service or app for legitimate purposes; you will not use the services to send or store any illegal materials or for fraudulent purposes. You will not use the service or app to annoy anyone. You should not impair the proper operation of the network. You will not attempt to harm the service or the application in any way. You will not copy or distribute the application or any other content without written permission from the company. You will only use the app and the service for your own use or resell it to a third party. You will maintain the security and confidentiality of your account password or any identity we provide to you that allows access to the service. You will provide us with any proof of identity that we may reasonably require.

Licenses granted by the company for company content and user content

Subject to your compliance with the terms and conditions of this agreement, the company grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license: (1) to display, download and print any company content only for your personal and non-commercial purposes; and (2) to display any user content that you are permitted to access only for your personal, non-commercial purposes. You have no right to license the license rights granted in this agreement other than for their legitimate use.

– You may not use, copy, adapt, modify or prepare derivative works based on, distribute, license, sell, transmit, public display, public performance, transmission, broadcast, or otherwise.

– You may not use, copy, adapt, modify or prepare derivative works, distribute, license, sell, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, broadcast or otherwise exploit the content or the collective service, except as permitted in this agreement. No licenses or rights of any kind are granted to you by implication or otherwise by the company or its licensors, except for the licenses and rights expressly granted in this section.

The license granted by the user

– We may, at our sole discretion, allow user content to be published, uploaded, published, transmitted or transmitted. By making any user content available on or through the service or application, you hereby grant the company a worldwide, irrevocable, permanent, non-exclusive, transferable, and royalty-free license, with the right to sublicense, use, watch, copy, adapt or modify, distribute, license, sell, transmit, publicly display, publicly execute, transmit, broadcast or otherwise exploit this user content in another way or through the service or application. The company does not claim any ownership rights in any user content, and nothing in this agreement will be considered a restriction of any rights that you may have to use and exploit any user content.

You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for all user content that you provide through the service or application. Accordingly, you acknowledge and undertake the following: (1) Either you are the sole and exclusive owner of all user content that you provide through the service or application or that you have all rights, licenses, approvals, and versions necessary to grant the company the rights to user content, as provided in this Convention; And (2) does not violate user content nor do we post, upload, publish, transmit, or transmit user content, or the company’s use of user content (or any part of it) through, by, or through the service or application does not violate the abuse or infringement of patent rights. Or copyright, trademark, trade secrets, moral rights, other intellectual property rights, rights of publicity, privacy, or violation of the rights of any applicable law or regulation.

Application license

In accordance with your commitment to this agreement, the company grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-downloadable license to download and install a copy of the application on a single mobile device or computer that you own or control and to run this copy of the application only for your personal use. Further, with respect to any application accessed through the Apple App Store (“App Store Sourced Application”), you will only use the App Store Sourced Application: (i) on an Apple-branded product that administers iOS (Apple’s proprietary ownership) system software Employment) ; And (2) as permitted by the “Rules of Use” set forth in the Apple App Store Terms of Service. The company reserves all rights in the application and are not expressly granted to you under this agreement.

Access and download the app from iTunes

The following applies to any App Store app:

– You acknowledge and agree that: (1) This agreement is entered into between you and the company only, and not Apple, and (ii) the company, not Apple, is solely responsible for the app sourced from the App Store and its content. Your use of the App Store Sourced app must comply with the App Store Terms of Service.

-You acknowledge that Apple is under no obligation to provide any maintenance or support services with respect to the App Store Sourced Application.

– In the event that the App Store Sourced application fails to comply with any valid warranty, you can notify Apple, and Apple will refund the purchase price of the App Store Sourced application to you to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple shall have no warranty obligation whatsoever regarding App Store Sourced app. as the case between the company and Apple, any claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs or other expenses attributable to any failure to comply with any warranty will be the company’s sole responsibility.

-You and the company acknowledge that, between the company and Apple, Apple is not responsible for processing any claims you have or any claims from any third party relating to the source application from the App Store or your possession and use of the App Store source application, including, but not limited to: (1) Product Liability Claims; (ii) Any claim the app from App Store Sourced fails to comply with any applicable legal or regulatory requirements; and (3) claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation.

-You and the company acknowledge that if any third party claims that the application Store Sourced or that your owning and usage of  App Store Sourced application violates the intellectual property rights of the third party, as is the case between the company and Apple, the company, not Apple, it will be solely responsible for the investigation and defense, settlement and disclosure of any claim related to infringement of intellectual property rights to the extent required by this agreement.

-You and the company acknowledge and agree that Apple and its affiliates are the beneficiaries of this agreement in connection with your license to the App Store Sourced Application and that you agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement, and the right (it is deemed that such right being accepted) to enforce this Agreement relating to your license from the App Store Sourced Application against you as a third-party beneficiary of it.

Without limiting any other terms of this agreement, you must comply with all applicable third-party terms of agreement when using the App Store Sourced app.

You may not (1) license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, distribute, commercialize or apply in any other way for commercial purposes or make them available to any third party; (2) Modify or create a derivative business based on the service or application; (3) Creating online “links” to the service, “frame” or “mirroring” of any application on any other server, wireless device, or Internet-based device; (4) Reverse engineer or access to the application in order to (a) build a competitive product or service, (b) build a product using ideas, features, functionality, or graphics similar to the service or application, or (c) copy any ideas, features, functions, or Service or application graphics, or (5) Automatic program or script startup, including but not limited to network web, web crawlers, web bots, web indexer, bots, viruses or worms. Or any program that may present multiple server requests per second, or overburden or hinder the operation and / or performance of the service or application.

You may not: (1) Send unwanted or duplicate or unwanted messages in a manner that violates applicable laws; (2) Sending or storing material that is infringing, obscene, threatening, defamatory, illegal, or harmful in any other way, including material harmful to children or that violates the privacy rights of a third party; (3) Sending or storing material that contains software viruses, worms, Trojans or other harmful code, files, scripts or malicious software; (4) Interferes with or disrupts the integrity or performance of the application or service or the data contained therein; Or (5) Attempting to gain unauthorized access to the application, service, systems, or related networks.

-The company will have the right to investigate and prosecute violations of any of the above to the maximum extent permitted by law. The Company may engage and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in prosecuting users who violate this agreement. You acknowledge that the company is not obligated to monitor your access to the service, application, or collective content, or its use, or review or edit any collective content, but it is entitled to do so for the purpose of operating the service and the application, to ensure your compliance with this agreement, or compliance with applicable law or an order or condition from a court Or an administrative agency or other government agency. The company reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to remove or disable access to any group content that the company considers, in its absolute discretion, to violate this agreement or otherwise harm the service or application.

Copyright policy

-The company respects copyright law and expects its users to do the same. It is company policy to terminate service in appropriate circumstances for users or other account holders who repeatedly infringe or are believed to be repeatedly violating the rights of copyright owners.

– You are not entitled to abuse the application in any way for a personal purpose. When you encounter any problem, you can contact the official communication platforms by email: Info.redramp@gmail.com , and the company has the right to take the necessary measures regarding the customer’s violation of that.

Payment policy

– Any fees that the company may impose on your request or service, are due immediately and are not refundable, and the company has the right to impose a fees 100% on reservations not provided due to postponement, cancellation or non-response of the customer one hour before the service

– This refund policy does not apply at all times regardless of your decision to terminate your use or our decision to terminate your use or disrupt our application or service, whether planned, incidental or intended, for any reason. The company reserves the right to set the final prevailing price. Please note that the pricing information published on the Site may not reflect the prevailing price.

– There are price categories for cars (small-medium-family) and if the car is larger than the family size, such as (van-buses) and countless others, the company has the right to impose a different price than what is available in the application.

– the company has the right to amend or update prices from time to time, and it must be kept up to date.

– The company, at its sole discretion, offers promotions with different features and different prices to any of our customers. These promotions, unless provided to you, will have no effect on your offer or any contract with the company. The company may change the service or application fees, as we deem necessary for our business. We encourage you to periodically check our website if you are interested in company fees for the service or application. Any coupon exceeding the specified date will not be accepted.

– We accept online payment using Visa and MasterCard credit / debit card in Saudi riyals (or any other agreed currency) and that we are not responsible in the event of system or network failure of one of the existing payment solutions.

• In the event that you do not pay the due service, this exposes you to legal accountability.

Red Ramp Co. will NOT deal or provide any services or products to any of the OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) sanctions countries in accordance with the law of KSA 

Vehicle accessories and damages policy.

– If you have requested any Red Ramp interior cleaning service for your vehicle it is your responsibility to remove and return additional accessories. Red Ramp personnel will not remove or reposition child seats or others, even if requested by the customer. The company is not and will not be held responsible for any undesirable event arising from improper handling of child seats before and after service, and the customer has no right to request that from the service provider.

– If you have requested an external or internal cleaning service from a Red Ramp for your car, and there is a piece that has been installed inside the car such as installing a curtain, camera, or company others, the staff will not remove, hatch, or close any of the mentioned even if the customer requests so, as it is your responsibility to remove, open, or close and the customer has no right to request that of the service provider.

– If there is any kind of protection outside the car such as (nano ceramic) and many others, the customer service personnel must be informed before the appointment.

– Red Ramp will not bear any responsibility for the loss or damage of the client’s property that he did not remove in advance and does not provide any compensation for that.

– Red Ramp will not bear any responsibility for any damage created by parts or materials provided by the customer to the biker to do any cleaning or work.

-Red Ramp does not bear responsibility for any undesirable event arising from incorrect handling of internal or external damage to the car’s parts, nor does it bear responsibility for the service provider’s violation of any damage that occurred after the customer requested to act within the aforementioned.

-We take into account all observations and complaints submitted to via system within 24hours maximum of the appointment ( you are not entitled to claim after 24 hours)

– We note the importance of ensuring the quality provided before the service provider (Biker) goes . 

The policy of undesiring part of the service provided

– All materials used are appropriate and intended for laundry uses, and your waiving of one of the services provided does not mean the difference in the value of the service

Intellectual property

– The company solely (and its licensors, where applicable) must have all rights, ownership and interests, including all related intellectual property rights, in the application and the service and any suggestions, ideas, requests for improvement, comments, recommendations, or other information provided by you or any other party related to the application or service. This agreement is not a sale and does not transfer to you any ownership rights related to the application or service or any intellectual property rights owned by the company. The company name, company logo, and product names associated with the application and service are trademarks of the company.

-The company may rely on advertisements and marketing of third parties provided through the application or service and other mechanisms to support the application or service. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, you agree to receive these advertisements and marketing. If you do not wish to receive such advertisements, you must notify us in writing. The company reserves the right to impose higher fees on the service or application if you choose not to receive these advertising services. These fees, if any, will be published on the company’s website or through contact support through the application. The company may collect and release information about you and your use of the application or service on an anonymous basis as part of a customer profile, report, or similar analysis. You agree that it is your responsibility to take reasonable precautions in all actions and interactions with any third party with whom you interact through the service.

By entering into this agreement or using the application or service, you agree that you will ensure access to the service site / or vehicle – whether that is individual parking for a villa, apartment, public parking, private car park, commercial car park, etc. For Red Ramp employees – in order to provide the required service (s) and bear the related cost in case the service provider fails to reach you.


– The company may send a notice to your email address registered in the company account information, or via the contact number written in your information (this notification is considered in advance when it is received by the company)

– The company may refuse to provide the service or use the application without explaining to you the reasons.

– The company is not responsible for your unawareness/ prior knowledge of washing method or the service price.

– If the event that the customer does not respond to any action takan within 24 hours max , The copmany [Red Ramp Co.] has the right to close the complanit . 

-The company is not responsible for the car after the service provider finishes washing and leaves the site 

– The company may take a picture of the car before and after washing to monitor  quality

Conflict Resolution

– Any dispute, claim or dispute arises out of or in connection with this agreement, including dispute, claim or dispute that arises in connection with its interpretation or in relation to any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in relation to this agreement shall be settled amicably between the parties, upon receipt of written notice by a party from the other party about the dispute. In the event that it is not possible to settle the dispute amicably within a period of 60 days from the date on which the concerned party notifies the other party in writing from the date such dispute has risen, the two parties agree to refer it  to the Saudi Commercial Arbitration for final settlement in accordance with the special arbitration rules in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Saudi

• Users can book appointment for the upcoming 7 days. Each day there are available time slots are free to book. – Users may book any time slots available as soon as 1 hour before the appointment. – In case of cancelling the booking, users are still allowed to cancel bookings 1 hour before the appointment starts. – In case a user cancels a booking within one hour or less before the appointments starts, there will be penalty of %100 of transaction amount that will be deducted from the user.


• All credit/debit cards details and personally identifiable information will NOT be stored, sold, shared, rented or leased to any third parties.

• Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this website shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Saudi Arabia. 

• Saudi Arabia is our country of domicile.

• We accept payments online using Visa and MasterCard credit/debit card in SAR. 

Refund Policy

Refunds will be made onto the original mode of payment and will be processed within 10 to 45 days
depends on the issuing bank of the credit card.

Merchant must detail the return, refund, and cancellation policy clearly on the Website to inform
Cardholders of their rights and responsibilities.
The wrong product was sent by the merchant.
The product is defective.
The product was damaged in shipping.
The product is tampered.